Wednesday, August 27, 2014

DigiTrains 1.8 update on Play

I updated DigiTrains today on Play. You find the following new functions in it:

New accessory icons (the bottom row).

You can change the name and address of locomotives, accessories and routes.

In Profiles menu you will see the active profile. You also have the possibility to load an empty profile at any time to start from scratch.

New track elements in dispatcher game layout editor menu. Now you can make crossings.

New layout design in Train control menu for tablets. you can control two locomotives at the same time. On the right panel you can slide between the quick-list locomotives. In the middle panel you can choose what to see: accessories, routes or station speaker.

Brand new design in the whole app.

Animated video test

I saw a cool animated video yesterday evening, and I got the feeling to make one about DigiTrains. I played with it for 3 hours. Maybe I will do more in the future, since I like these kind of videos. Watch it fullscreen, it is better like that.

Click here to watch it